Born in the Azores, from a young age developed a strong connection to music. Nuno always liked to sing, started playing keyboards but it was the acoustic guitar that “caught him” and has been with him ever since. Dedicated himself to songwriting, releasing his first songs gradually between 2021 and 2022. Performed on some of the most renowned stages in the Azores, such as the "Jardim Fest" and "Tremor" festivals or at Teatro Micaelense in 2023. In the same year, he played in the 25th Anniversary concert of the band Ronda da Madrugada. In 2024 he opened the concert of the artist Marisa Liz at Teatro Micaelense and performed at “GÉNESE: 40 anos de Spirrit”, for the 40th anniversary of the Maré de Agosto Festival.
Born on April 8, 1980 in Ponta Delgada (S. Miguel, Azores), Nuno Cabral grew up surrounded by his father's vinyl records. It was common to spend long hours sitting in front of the record player listening to the most varied albums with headphones, completely oblivious to what was going on around him. It was at that time that he discovered bands like the Beatles, Pink Floyd or Queen. Around the age of 7/8 he started taking organ lessons, however, the impossibility of having a keyboard at home made it difficult for him to progress, leading to his eventual abandonment.
As a teenager, he began his connection with the acoustic guitar. He took private lessons for around 2 years, after which his learning went through an essentially self-taught process. The years spent in Coimbra during his time at the University were also marked by the presence of his guitar, however, always among friends and never to the point of venturing out to play live.
One of the highlights of his musical journey was his participation in the “Voice and Orchestra Workshop” of Hot Club de Portugal, which took place at Teatro Micaelense in 2007. For a week, he spent time with renowned musicians and worked directly with singing teacher Paula Oliveira. He repeated this experience in the 2009 and 2011 editions. Still in 2007, he also participated in the “The Zen of Screaming” Workshop with Melissa Cross at Coliseu Micaelense. In 2013, she attended the “Guitar Workshop” with musician Sandro Norton at Ateneu Criativo in Ponta Delgada.
The experience of the “Voice and Guitar Workshop” in 2007 brought, in addition to a lot of learning, the notion that there was much more to evolve and the certainty that he could venture more seriously into music. In this sense, the following year he began to perform regularly in small bars and, almost simultaneously, his first cover band emerged, Gnosis, which after a year of activity and changes in its formation, became Undercover. This new band played regularly for about six years, followed by a long break. Since 2022, Undercover has come together sporadically for some concerts. At the same time, he occasionally collaborated with some other musical projects and participated in several Jam Sessions with several regional and national musicians.
After several years playing covers, in 2014 he began to venture into songwriting. That year, the first sketches that would later become her songs began to appear. He return to perform in a solo acoustic format, with some original songs in the lineup, which took him to festivals such as “Jardim Fest” (2015/2019) and “Tremor” (2016) and to some regional and national TV Shows. At Nordela Studios (S. Miguel – Azores) he recorded four original songs, released between 2021 and 2022. At the beginning of 2023, as part of Teatro Micaelense's “Dentro da Caixa” project, he performed accompanied by guitarist Tiago Franco and participated in the 25th anniversary concert of the band Ronda da Madrugada. In 2024 he returned to Teatro Micaelense, to perform the first part of the artist Marisa Liz's concert and performed at “GÊNESE: 40 anos de Spirrit”, held in Praia Formosa (Santa Maria), which marked the 40th anniversary of the Maré de Agosto Festival. Initially he started writing in English, however, in recent years he decided to embrace his native language and his latest compositions are all in Portuguese.