18 MAR 2022
José F. Andrade

The first sequence of four songs, by Nuno Cabral, has been completed. After “Rush”, “This Love” and “Bittersweet Track”, now comes “Last Memory”, a song where the piano and the voice take on the main role in a truly intimate journey. “Last Memory” is available from today on the artist’s social networks, as well as on music sales sites on the internet. Thus, you know what to do…
Now that the four songs are ready and available on the market, how does it feel?
A lot of feelings... Recording my original songs in a studio and releasing them was one of the many dreams I had. In this sense, there is a huge joy in getting here and a huge desire to be able to take these songs to the stage, especially after the recent period where, due to the pandemic, there were few shows.
Is there more material ready to record?
I wouldn't say it's ready to record but there's a lot of material to take to the studio. I have several songs apparently finished. I say apparently because, from my experience, I know that until I start recording, changes always arise. Furthermore, I have several ideas and sketches waiting to be worked on. In the last few months I have essentially dedicated myself to promoting these songs as well as making their respective music videos, so I didn't have the time or mind to concentrate on writing.
You now enter the promotional phase. What have you outlined in this regard?
It's hard, time-consuming work, especially for independent musicians like me. There is a transversal idea in all promotions, which is to try to make our work reach as many people as possible. You never know who might be listening on the other side... In the first phase, the promotion involves advertising on social media and, simultaneously, sending emails and messages to the most varied media outlets, including radio stations, newspapers, magazines, magazines and blogs linked to culture. The second phase includes outreach to curators and entities responsible for holding cultural events.
What markets would you like to enter and why?
The national market is a dream due to the projection it can give, however, it may still be a long way off. It is preferable to take slightly shorter but firm steps, step by step. In this sense, I would like to have a greater presence in the regional market, which would allow me to take my music to the various islands of the Azores. From the region's cultural point of view, I think it would be interesting and very important to have a greater circulation of different Azorean artists, not just limited to the island where they reside.
Taking into account the feedback received with the already released songs, what do you expect from “Last Memory”?
As a rule, I don't tend to create high expectations. Naturally, there is enormous curiosity to understand how people will receive this new song, especially because it has a very different atmosphere and sound than the others. However, experience with previous songs tells me that this feedback is always very unpredictable, so I prefer to let myself be surprised by what will come.
This song perhaps reveals a more intimate, less urban side, perhaps more yours... do you agree?
This is a clearly simpler and more intimate song, not only because of the lyrics but also because of its structure with just voice, piano and a string section. It will not be a “more mine” song in the autobiographical sense since it is a fictional story. I realize that this type of more melancholic and introspective environment refers to a more personal side but, in this case, it is just another musical style that I like to explore, as much as the styles present in the other songs already presented.
Although it's relatively early, do you already have shows scheduled for the near future?
Although very slowly, the first dates are beginning to appear. There are already two shows confirmed for the summer, however, I cannot announce them yet as they have not been officially presented. As soon as this presentation takes place, it will be duly publicized on my official website and on my social networks.