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Letra e Música: Nuno Cabral

Data de Lançamento: 26 Mar 2021

In all this crazy rush we live in

Where time seems to never be enough

People run away from their own shadows

Under pressure minds became so rough

Stop, relax and breathe deeply

Take your time and just seize it

Stop, relax and breathe deeply

Take your time and just seize it

It’s not all where you go

For once buy a random ticket

Who knows where you might end up

This is your life, so just fill it

Stop, relax and breathe deeply

Take your time and just seize it

Stop, relax and breathe deeply

Take your time and just seize it

In this pursuit of happiness

Set by big goals and dreams

The end of the road is meaningless

If we ignore the in betweens

Stop, relax and breathe deeply

Take your time and just seize it

Don’t point too far ahead of you

The best of it is in the middle

To see how A will come to B

And how life figures its own riddle

Stop, relax and breathe deeply

Take your time and just seize it

Stop, relax and breathe deeply

Take your time and just seize it

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